Procedures for Morning & Afternoon
Child out during the day
Report absence & tardy
Extended care
Emergency Procedures
Family envelope
OLG Parent Hours Program
Procedures for Morning & Afternoon
What is the procedure for morning and afternoon drop-off?
- Morning School Drop-Off
- After School Pick-Up
Child out during the day
If I take my child out of school during the day, what procedures must I follow?
- Any time a student leaves the building, we must record that information in the office. In the event early dismissal is necessary, the office should be notified in the morning when possible. For safety reasons, parents or guardians must come to the front office to meet their child and sign her/him out.
Report absence & tardy
How do I report an absence and tardiness?
- Parents must call the school office prior to 9:00 a.m. each day that a student is absent. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their morning class by 8:05 a.m. bell. All students who are tardy must first report to the school office for a "tardy" slip. Punctuality is a by-product of self-discipline; therefore, it is a value that is stressed at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School. Medical and dental appointments during school hours are discouraged; however if it is unavoidable, please send a note with your child so the teacher is aware that the student will be leaving early. The absence will be marked excused only if a dated slip is brought or faxed from the medical or dental office, within 24 hours.
- Early dismissal - If a student must leave the school grounds during the school day for an appointment, children are dismissed from the office only. Please come to the school office to sign out your child and the administrator will notify him/her. If a child cannot be released to a parent or relative because of a legal custody agreement, a legal statement must be on file in the school office. No child will be released to any person whose name is not on the Emergency Card. Photo identification may be required by the school prior to release. When a student returns to class after having been absent, he/she must bring a note from the parent stating the reason for the child's absence and the date(s) of the absence to the school office. If such an excuse is not received in writing within 48 hours of the absence, the child may be excluded from class until the school receives it.
Extended care
Do you have extended care?
- This program offers supervised outside activities and a designated homework/study time for students currently enrolled in Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School. Extended care operates Monday - Friday, excluding school holidays, from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m (Friday's 12-6).
- Provide a safe, nurturing and caring environment for the children enrolled in our school after regular school hours.
- Provide structured play and learning times.
- Provide an environment, embracing the philosophy of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School, where Christian/Catholic values are foremost, and the social and personal needs of the children are met.
Emergency Procedures
What are the Emergency Procedures?
- Each month the school will have a practice in either fire drill or drop drill (used in case of an earthquake or other disaster) to familiarize the students with emergency procedures. In addition, the students will practice a school-wide lock-down drill to prepare them for a possible threatening situation occurring on the campus. Students and parents will also participate in a school-wide disaster preparedness drill periodically. In the event of an actual emergency, students will be kept under the school's supervision until called for by their parents or other responsible adult. Anyone picking up a child in an emergency must be authorized to do so by being listed on the family emergency card. (Photo identification may be required by the school prior to release.)
- Should a serious and major disaster occur during school hours, please follow these guidelines:
- DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. Telephone lines must be kept open for emergency use.
- Parents should instead proceed to school to pick up their children as soon as it is safe as possible.
- Students will be grouped by grade.
- The school field will be the evacuation area.
- Release of students will take place following the guidelines outlined in our “Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School Disaster Plan".
- Students will only be released to authorize adults listed on the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School emergency form.
- If an emergency occurs outside school hours, please listen to your local radio station for instructions on school closures. As a general rule, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School will follow the same schedule as the public schools in the area. In addition, the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School room parents will institute our emergency calling/messaging system. Each family will be notified of school closure by telephone, if operable.
Family envelope
What is the family envelope?
- The Family Envelope is sent home each Wednesday with the youngest child at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School. Included in the envelope are such items as the weekly volunteer notices, class notices, calendar changes or up-dates, etc. Please make sure to remove all contents in your family envelope each week, read it carefully, sign the front of the envelope, and send it back to school the following day. If your envelope is not at school when the weekly items are "stuffed" to go home, you will not receive the information. A lost Family Envelope will result in a replacement fee of $5.00 Please contact the school secretary should you need to replace your Family Envelope. Announcements to be included in the biweekly "Parent Newsletter" and/or Family Envelope must be received in the school office on the Thursday prior to the day the envelope is to go home. All items included in the family envelope must be approved by the administration.
OLG Parent Hours Program
What are OLG Parent Hours Program?
- To encourage family participation in supporting the school.
- To improve the functioning of our school.
- To model stewardship and outreach for our children.
- Each family is expected to contribute a minimum of 20 hours of service to the school each year; 4 hours MUST be directly towards wide fundraising events; 2 dedicated solely to assigned class events (i.e. field trips or class Saturday Food Sales). Families who have not completed this requirement will be billed $15.00 for each uncompleted hour at the end of May. Failure to conform to this expectation of involvement, without prior arrangement with the administration, may result in a student not being allowed to return to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School the following year. Volunteer hours are must be completed and documented by June of that academic school year.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School
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